Arrowhead Regional Corrections is administered by a Board of Commissioners (referred to as the Executive Board), under a joint powers agreement between the counties of Carlton, Cook, Lake, Koochiching and St. Louis. The A.R.C. Executive Board is made up of eight County Commissioners from the participating counties. St. Louis County appoints three members, with the remaining counties selecting one member each. Carlton, Cook, Koochiching, and Lake Counties have an additional member that rotates between these counties, every year. The Executive Board meets the third Friday of every month.
Current Executive Board Members are:
Commissioner Marv Bodie - Carlton County
Commissioner Annie Harala - St. Louis County - Vice Chair
Commissioner Garry Gamble - Cook County
Commissioner Destry Hell - Koochiching County |
Commissioner Rick Goutermont - Lake County - Chair
Commissioner Keith Nelson - St. Louis County |
Commissioner Ashley Grimm - St. Louis County
Commissioner Debra White - Cook County |